Vince took this picture. He's got quite the eye, too. Nice sun and shadows, huh? Kinda ... quilty. Any of you writerly typs out there? Here's small challenge for you: write a poem or a piece of prose about this photo. It doesn't have to be long, nor does it have to be good : D. It just has to be. This is a good one for all of you who ever wanted to write and have never gotten around to it. You don't have to post what you write. You can email it to me, if you'd like or just keep it to yourself (you're on the honor system here). Leave a comment if you're taking part in this. You've got till the end of the week (22nd) to finish it.
Vince says I should offer a prize. How about this: A $5 gift certificate for a book from OUR used bookstore, AuthorOne. Winner will be chosen on random draw.
Vince says I should offer a prize. How about this: A $5 gift certificate for a book from OUR used bookstore, AuthorOne. Winner will be chosen on random draw.
So, in recap. The FMQ I feel somewhat able to do on a decent level: McTavishing, echoes, grids, posies (almost) and feathers (don't look at the one in these pics, this is a very old one that still had room around it to practice). What's next? More flowers. Dogwoods, I think.
There's still a couple days left to join the FMQ Challenge, so get signed up. It's easy to learn. All it takes is practice!
Your FMQ looks great! I love the way the different colours give it a new dimension. Are you going to bind some of your samples as mini quilts?
OOOO I do like those feathers...and tell Vince his photo is beautiful - I may have a try at writing something...and Andrea might too...not too sure - but maybe ?? Where about was the photo taken. I do like your feathers...said that didnt I? What thread are you using? top and bobbin?? Whatever are we to do with all these samples?
those feathers are lovely! and I like the photo! Am going to try writing something - not sure what though!
EARTH! Looks good for it's age....
How many times has this patchwork shadow of a quilt been cast upon these hills?
How many hands moved these rocks from your fields into a pile? What if we could see each person or each soul?...
What would this photo look like if we could see the life forms of all who have passed before, upon this same spot?
We think stone walls are so old, they are babies.
We think we are so important and have the answers, the end result. We are NOT.
There have been many before us. There will be many after us. Make today count and leave something for others to see of you,
for in the end you are dust in a field....
Your quilts could be the stone walls of tomorrow. Mending, tying together the past and the future so that they don't forget from whence they came. Keeping our loved ones in line where they are meant to be in order to pass the torch. Warming others like the sunshine that warms these hills and earth for another planting.
Was I suppose to just leave a comment?!?! lol
Oh well, ! I don't want to delete cause I'll never remember it all! lol
there's my blunderings...
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