Road Construction
You who hold
the right to stop
or go
my life
smooth sun-oiled pecs
penciled abs
(ruffles have ridges)
Will you call my
peonies ponies?hmmm? Will you
bare my children
weave my garden
make love
to the underbelly of my car?
The drivers follow you
like ducklings after
their mama
They waddle
long thin line
waiting for a chance to
show your improbably pecsmarbled abs
tuna can ass how
they will navigate your
long thin line
your roofless triad
ride up
the road to
my ponies, my
naked dervish
children, my
broke down
rusted out ‘85
Cadillac ElDorado.Did you like that? Who doesn't like the road construction guys, right? I hope you liked it. The whole reason I write is to share these things with other people.
Today I slammed through the first three chapters of Spinning the Tides, making the changes needed to move the character younger. It went pretty well, actually. Things I stressed over changing suddenly were no problem at all. Lovely working with it. Sigh. And I fell in love with the story all over again.
It's about a girl. Not just any girl, but the daughter of General Harcourt De La Croix, one of the greatest generals in the Interplanetary Peace Coalition. So, she's tough. At least, she thinks she's supposed to be. She and the remains of her team get stranded on a planet with a deadly virus floating amongst them. There's no medicine, no innoculations and no inhabitants. Even the transport ship refuses to answer their pleas for help. Her boyfriend tried to kill her. Her boyfriend's uncle is head of the science part of the mission. He wants to take control and return to Earth. She must do everything in her power to keep that from happening.
What a story! Better with her being a teenager than an adult. Much more dynamic, don't you think?-Wendy
Super groovy!!
I'm a poetry lover and your poem is reality, that's for sure. Also, I just sewed a purple paisley border to my latest quilt--
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