I write. I quilt. I cook. I take photographs. What else is there?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This Morning

This is where I'm beginning this weekend.  I only have two more ... fountains? ... to put on and then it's on to the stitching.  I think I'll do a border in violet thread on those big light blue-violet pieces (why do these things not have names?).  Then I'll sandwich it and begin the quilting with various threads.  I'm still trying to decide what to do with the dark violet feathers.  Maybe a reddish thread inside?  I'll have to think on it and will most likely leave it for very last.

And yes, that's a pile of tops awaiting quilting beneath it.



Clare said...

I love this. The colours are superb. I'd quilt the feathers with the same coloured thread.

Helen said...

I'm like Clare - Wendy I just love this!!!

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